Código fuente para potranslator.potranslator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Main module."""

from os import listdir, makedirs
from os.path import isfile, join, exists
from . import polib, Translator, json
from . import SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES, __version__
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
from codecs import open
import sys
import click

    from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
except ImportError:


is_python2 = sys.version_info < (3, 0)

[documentos]class PoTranslator: """ This is the main class of this library. This class manages all translation tasks. :param pot_dir: string. Path to the pot directory. :param locale_dir: string. Path to the locale directory. """ def __init__(self, pot_dir=None, locale_dir=None): self.pot_dir = pot_dir self.locale_dir = locale_dir self.translator = Translator() return
[documentos] def translate(self, file_name, target_lang='auto', src_lang='auto', encoding='utf-8', auto_save=False, compiled=False): """ Translates the given po file in the specified target language. :param file_name: string. Path to the filename of the file to translate. :param target_lang: string. Target language for translation. :param src_lang: string. Source language for translation. :param encoding: string. Encoding for saving the po files. :param auto_save: bool. Toggles auto save feature. :param compiled: bool. Toggles compilation to mo files. :return: tuple. A tuple containing the translated version of the original catalog and the status of the POFile. """ po = polib.pofile(file_name, **{'encoding': encoding}) if target_lang == 'auto': try: target_lang = po.metadata['Language'] except KeyError: raise ValueError(_('potranslator could not auto-detect the desired translation language for the file {0}.\nPlease provide a target language.').format(file_name)) if target_lang not in SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES: raise ValueError(_('Unsupported language.')) untranslated = [elmt for elmt in po if elmt.msgstr == '' and not elmt.obsolete] if untranslated: updated = True try: translations = self.translator.translate([elmt.msgid for elmt in untranslated], src=src_lang, dest=target_lang) for entry, translation in zip(untranslated, translations): entry.msgstr = translation.text po.metadata['Translated-By'] = 'potranslator {0}'.format(__version__) po.metadata['Last-Translator'] = 'potranslator {0}'.format(__version__) po.metadata['Language'] = target_lang po.metadata['PO-Revision-Date'] = str(datetime.today()) print(_('{0} translations for the file {1} have been succesfully retrieved').format(SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES[target_lang], file_name)) except JSONDecodeError as e: print(_('{0} translations for the file {1} could not be retrieved').format(SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES[target_lang], file_name)) if auto_save: po.save(file_name) print(_('The file {1} has been succesfully translated in {0} and saved.').format(SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES[target_lang], file_name)) else: print(_('The file {1} has been succesfully translated in {0}.').format(SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES[target_lang], file_name)) if compiled: po.save_as_mofile(file_name.replace('.po', '.mo')) else: updated = False return po, updated
[documentos] def translate_all_locale(self, src_lang='auto', encoding='utf-8', auto_save=False, compiled=False): """ Translates all the po files in the found languages in the locale folder. :param src_lang: string. Source language for translation. :param encoding: string. Encoding for saving the po files. :param auto_save: bool. Toggles auto save feature. :param compiled: bool. Toggles compilation to mo files. :return: Dictionary. A dictionary of po files. """ all_locales = listdir(self.locale_dir) locales = [locale for locale in all_locales if locale in SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES] unsupported_locales = [locale for locale in all_locales if locale not in SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES] print(_('Attempting to translate the supported locales:\n{0}').format(', '.join(locales))) if unsupported_locales: print(_('The following locales are not yet supported by potranslator and will not be translated:\n{0}').format(', '.join(locales))) results = defaultdict(dict) for locale in locales: po_files = [file for file in listdir(join(self.locale_dir, locale, 'LC_MESSAGES')) if file.endswith('.po')] for po_file in po_files: path = join(self.locale_dir, locale, 'LC_MESSAGES', po_file) results[locale][po_file], updated = self.translate(path, src_lang=src_lang, target_lang=locale, encoding=encoding, auto_save=auto_save, compiled=compiled) return results
[documentos] def translate_from_pot(self, filename, status, target_langs, src_lang='auto', encoding='utf-8', auto_save=False, compiled=False): """ Translates the given pot file in the specified target languages. :param filename: string. Path to the filename of the file to translate. :param target_langs: sequence of strings. Target language for translation. :param src_lang: string. Source language for translation. :param encoding: string. Encoding for saving the po files. :param auto_save: bool. Toggles auto save feature. :param compiled: bool. Toggles compilation to mo files. :return: Dictionary. A dictionary of po files. """ pot = polib.pofile(filename, **{'encoding': encoding}) results = {} for target_lang in target_langs: po_file_name = filename.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1][:-1] po_path = join(self.locale_dir, '/'.join((target_lang, 'LC_MESSAGES', po_file_name))) po_dir = join(self.locale_dir, '/'.join((target_lang, 'LC_MESSAGES'))) if not isfile(po_path): if not exists(po_dir): makedirs(po_dir) po = deepcopy(pot) po.save(po_path) status['created'] += 1 click.echo('Created: {0}'.format(po_file_name)) results[target_lang], updated = self.translate(po_path, target_lang=target_lang, src_lang=src_lang, encoding=encoding, auto_save=auto_save, compiled=compiled) if updated: status['updated'] += 1 click.echo('Updated: {0}'.format(po_file_name)) else: status['not_changed'] +=1 click.echo('Not Changed: {0}'.format(po_file_name)) return results
[documentos] def translate_all_pot(self, target_langs, src_lang='auto', encoding='utf-8', auto_save=False, compiled=False): """ Translates all the pot files in the pot folder in the specified target languages. :param target_langs: sequence of strings. Target language for translation. :param src_lang: string. Source language for translation. :param encoding: string. Encoding for saving the po files. :param auto_save: bool. Toggles auto save feature. :param compiled: bool. Toggles compilation to mo files. :return: Dictionary. A dictionary of po files. """ pot_files = [file for file in listdir(self.pot_dir) if file.endswith('.pot')] results = {} status = { 'created': 0, 'updated': 0, 'not_changed': 0, } for pot_file in pot_files: path = join(self.pot_dir, pot_file) results[pot_file] = self.translate_from_pot(path, status, target_langs=target_langs, src_lang=src_lang, encoding=encoding, auto_save=auto_save, compiled=compiled) return results