

To use potranslator in a python project:

from potranslator import PoTranslator

languages = ('fr', 'es', 'it')
translator = PoTranslator(pot_dir='path/to/pot_dir', locale_dir='path/to/locale_dir')

results = translator.translate_all_pot(src_lang='en', target_langs=languages, auto_save=False)



help命令を表示するには、引数なしで `potranslator`とタイプしてください。

Basic Usage

This section describes how to translate documents generated by Sphinx with the potranslator command.

  1. Create your document(s) by using Sphinx:

    $ sphinx-build -b html /path/to/docs path/to/docs/_build
  2. Optionally add the settings to your conf.py if you have one:

    locale_dirs = ['locale/']   #path is an example but this is the recommended path.
    gettext_compact = False     #optional.

    locale_dirs is required and gettext_compact is optional.

  3. Extract the document's translatable messages into pot files (make sure you are in the folder containing make.bat and Makefile if you are on windows):

    $ make gettext
  4. Translate/Update your documents in German and Japanese:

    $ potranslator update -p _build/gettext -l de -l ja

    Done. You got these directories that contain po files with auto-translated entries:

  5. Translate/Update your documents in Japanese, build the compiled mo files and generate the translated html documents:

    Command line (for Unix systems):

    $ potranslator build
    $ make -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='ja'" html

    Command line (for Windows cmd.exe):

    > set SPHINXOPTS=-D language=de
    > potranslator build
    > .\make.bat html

    Command line (for PowerShell):

    > Set-Item env:SPHINXOPTS "-D language=de"
    > potranslator build
    > .\make.bat html

That's all!


All command-line options can be set with environment variables using the format POTRANSLATOR_<UPPER_LONG_NAME> .

Dashes (-) have to replaced with underscores (_).

For example, to set the languages:


On the Windows command line:


This is the same as passing the option to potranslator directly:

$ potranslator <command> --language=de --language=ja

sphinx conf.pyの設定

Add the following settings to your sphinx document's conf.py if it exists:

locale_dirs = ['locale/']   #for example
gettext_compact = False     #optional

Makefile / make.batの設定

make gettext will generate pot files into _build/gettext directory, however pot files can be generated in the locale/pot if convenient.

You can do that by replacing _build/gettext with locale/pot in your Makefile and/or make.bat that was generated by sphinx-quickstart.